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Saturday, July 29, 2017

Palaeolithic Age (5,00,000 - 10,000 BC) (पुरापाषाण काल (5,00,000 - 10,000 ईसा पूर्व))

Palaeolithic Age (5,00,000 - 10,000 BC) (पुरापाषाण काल (5,00,000 - 10,000 ईसा पूर्व))

It was basically a hunting (शिकार करना) and food gathering (खाद्य इकठ्ठा करना) culture (संस्कृति). 'Palaeo' means 'old' and ’lithic’ means ’stone'. Palaeolithic age in India is divided into three phases:

The three phases are named on the basis of vertical excavation. The earliest remains are found deeper in the excavation whereas the newer ones are found on top of them.Therefore, the oldest are named as 'Lower' Paleolithic and later ones as 'Upper’ Paleolithic.
1.  Early or Lower Palaeolithic (5,00,000-1,00,000 BC) (प्रारंभिक या निचला पुरापाषाण)
It covers the greater part of the Ice Age and its characteristic feature is the use of hand-axe, cleaners and choppers (हाथ-कुल्हाड़ी, क्लीनर और कुल्हाड़ा).

2. Middle Palaeolithic (1,00,000-40,000 BC) (मध्य पुरापाषाण)
The Middle Palaeolithic culture is characterised by flakes (गुच्छे द्वारा विशेषता). The principal tools are variety of blades, points and scrappers made of flakes (विभिन्न प्रकार के ब्लेड, अंक और गुच्छे से बना स्क्रैपर).

3. Upper Palaeolithic (40,000-10,000 BC) (
ऊपरी पुरापाषाण)
It marks the appearance of (की उपस्थिति के निशान) Homo sapiens and new flint industries (नए चकमक उद्योगों); widespread appearance of a figurines and other artifacts reflecting art and rituals (कला और अनुष्ठानों को दर्शाती एक मूर्तियों और अन्य कलाकृतियों का व्यापक रूप); the appearance of wide range of bone tools, including needles, fishing tools, harpoons, blades and burin tools (सुइयों, मछली पकड़ने के उपकरण, हापून, ब्लेड और बर्गन टूल्स सहित हड्डी के विभिन्न उपकरणों की उपस्थिति।)

Palaeolithic People (पुरापाषाण काल के व्यक्ति)


Earliest Palaeolithic man lived on hunting and food-gathering. The hunting and gathering pattern was dependent upon the season. The nature of stone tools also varied according to the climate. Not knowing how to grow his food, he ate fruits, birds, raw animal flesh etc. The people were wanderers and moved from place to place. They took refuge under the rocks' in caves and hollow tree trunks.

Rock paintings and carvings have been numerously found in Bhimbetka from different periods. The oldest painting of Bhimbetka belongs to the upper Palaeolithic period.The paintings belonging to this period are linear representation in green and dark red, of figures of animals such as bisons, elephants, tiger, rhinocerous etc.

The most important feature of these paintings is that the animals are generally depicted much larger in size. it indicates that still man was more threatened by other animals, a situation which reversed in later period. 

Facts to Remember (याद करने के लिए तथ्य)

Robert Bruce Foote was the first to discover a Palaeolithic stone tool In India In 1863. (रॉबर्ट ब्रूस फूटे ने 1863 में भारत में पुरापाषाण पत्थर के औजार का पता लगाया था।)

आपको यह पोस्ट पढ़कर कैसा लगा, कृपया हमें कमेंट के माध्यम से बताएं। आप सभी का धन्यवाद !!! हमारे पोस्ट को लाइक, कमेंट, शेयर तथा सब्सक्राइब करें।

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